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What are the Benefits of Commercial Pipe Bursting?

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

Sewer Pipe Lining Repairs become more difficult when commercial aspects are involved. Aside from being disruptive for businesses and time consuming, they can also pose some safety and health hazards for the employees and customers. Trenchless technology has introduced a no-dig solution that can turn a potential sewage or drain problem into one that’s relatively seamless and quick.

What is Pipe Bursting?

Pipe bursting, or pipe blasting involves breaking apart the old pipe to make room for the new one. Believe it or not, this process will not involve exhaustive excavation or digging just to get to the root of the problem. As the new pipes are being led inside the old one, it “bursts” the broken pipe and sends the fragments to the adjacent soil.

In the busiest and the most populated areas, it can become quite a blessing. What could be more disruptive than the loud noises from huge machines digging the earth? Commercial owners will find this feature particularly attractive, and many are discovering how pipe bursting is a great option in many ways:

Eliminate Trench Settlement

Trench settlement is often heard in issues where sewer pipes need to be repaired or replaced. In commercial terms, it involves digging through and destroying the pavement that people walk on day in and day out. The walk pavement could be settled in with the trenches, which makes the repair even more difficult to complete. The traditional method also looks a lot less appealing for the image of the establishment.

It’s CheaperDigging up a well-paved area can cost significant amount of money. It will require a numerous crew and the heavy machinery needed. Trenchless technology can save your commercial space all the trouble of having to dig to get to the problem. Trenchless technology can save you money by hiring a two-man crew to complete the job, and it will save you from having to hire a landscape professional to restore the pavement to the way it was before.

Less Damage

Commercial areas need traffic in order to attract customers. They need to be as efficient as possible and maintain a smooth operation throughout the day. Having a crew set up heavy equipment and make lots of noise will not be conducive for your commercial operation. The no-dig innovation also prevents heavy metals and toxic chemicals from seeping up to the floor.

Long Lasting

When the plumber tells you the pipes are old and worn out, then replacement is the least viable option for you. Traditional materials used for pipes such as clay, steel or cast iron erode and break up over time and they could come apart any minute. Modern piping materials such as HDPE are much more durable and made specifically to bring your commercial property water for a long time.

Boosts Flow Capacity

If your commercial property is dependent upon the water pressure i.e, services such as hotels, spa, swimming, etc. then you’ll need to keep an eye on optimal water flow and pressure level. Trenchless technology is such that it will replace your old drain or sewer pipes, which will invariably increase water flow. Sewers lines backing will happen less, and your business will no longer have to worry about sub-optimal water flow.

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