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What are the Benefits of Getting Drain Cleaned in Baltimore?

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
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Sewer problems are known all too well in the Baltimore area.There have been continuous issues with the area’s sewer systems, causing countless complications to residents.

Baltimore Sewer Problems

The Baltimore Sun posted an article in September 2015 regarding Baltimore’s sewage problems and the massive spending that the city’s government has had to cash out. “No end in sight for city’s $1.1 billion overhaul of leaking, polluting sewers. After spending $700 million over the past 13 years, the city of Baltimore plans to drop another $400 million to fix an aging, leaking sewer system that routinely fouls areas streams and the harbor with raw human waste. Many overflows stem from blockages in sewer lines.Statewide, 40 percent of overflows reported in dry weather are blamed on grease, rags, trash, and “other inappropriate material” in the sewer, according to information local agencies supply to the state Department of the Environment. Many problems, though, stem from age and lack of maintenance.”

Cracks, breaks, and corrosion have made buried pipes leaky.Groundwater, rainfall, and water main leaks routinely seep into the sewer lines, filling them to overflowing during downpours.In dry weather, sewage leaks out, often making it into streams via similarly leaky pipes meant to carry storm-water runoff from streets.”

Keep Your Drains Clean

In this article, we can gather that proper sewer system maintenance starts with us in our homes!We need to pay attention to what we are putting in our pipes through our drains.The practice of getting your sewer tank or drains cleaned will help you to monitor the condition of your pipes and take care of any small blockages or leaks before they become part of the sewer complications that the city is facing.At AJ Mcdonald, our technicians are highly trained and equipped to ensure your drains are clean and clear.

Benefits of Getting Your Septic Tank and Drain Cleaned

Getting your drain cleaned is a type of preventative maintenance that will benefit you, and those around you, greatly.If you don’t want to deal with the backups and pipe damage that the city is battling, we recommend getting routine drain and tank cleanings.

You might think that pouring chemicals down your drain is enough to get rid of blockages and build up, but not only are those chemicals harmful to the environment, they are not strong enough to get rid of most clogs.We will come clean your drains using a hydro-jetting technique that sprays high-pressure water into your drains, getting rid of all the dirt and grime and even roots that may have intruded your pipes.

Step in the Right Direction

Although your plumbing system may seem to be working fine, it could fail at any moment if there is build up blocking the pipes.Getting your drains cleaned by a professional as it will prevent blockages from causing damage and backups so you can have the peace of mind knowing that you are taking care of your sewer system so that it is in great working order.If we all focus a little more on taking care of our drains and pipes at home, the city’s sewer problems may slowly dwindle as the pipes become cleaner and clear of debris and inappropriate items.

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