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A Look into the Pipe Fusion Process

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

When you're engaged in trenchless pipe rehabilitation, there'll be times when you need to fuse segments of pipe or fuse caps to pipes in order to attach them to the puller's bursting head. Instead of relying on an outside source, you can count on our high-quality pipe fusion equipment. TRIC Tools' fusion machines boost your productivity and help you provide service to more clients.

Understand Thermofusion

Each fusion welding machine we manufacture uses thermofusion to attach two pipe ends or a pipe end and a cap together. The machine heats one end of each pipe and applies pressure. The heat and pressure fuse the two ends, creating one long pipe segment with no obvious interior or exterior seam.

Fuse on Demand

You may arrive at job sites where the length of the pipe you need to remove and replace isn't clear. The project might require one or more fusions of pipe segments. When you need on-demand fusion, each of our fusion machines delivers. They fuse at a rate of two to six inches per second. In hazardous working conditions, our 14M Butt Fusion machine operates unplugged, which keeps your crew safe.

What to Expect During the Pipe Fusion Process

Our 14M, Pitbull 26, and 28M fusion machines are sturdy, so they won't wobble during the fusion process. This type of welding creates heat, and the machine is designed to direct that heat toward the pipe, not the operator. The machines' quiet operation makes them ideal for use in small, enclosed spaces.

Adding our fusion machines to your collection of equipment allows you to handle more tasks in-house. The pipe fusion process isn't as complicated as you may have expected, and with our precision-engineered solutions, you'll be fusing pipes and caps in no time. For additional details about TRIC Tools' fusion machine equipment, contact us today.

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