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Trenchless Technology: How Hydraulic Pumps Help

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

When you perform trenchless pipe repairs, it's not always possible to bring in heavy equipment to run the pulling unit. Time is also of the essence. Your clients don't want to be without water and sewer services for any longer than necessary. At TRIC Tools, we offer two types of hydraulic pumps for pipe bursting equipment. Both of these units ensure a speedy and affordable solution to handle all of your clients' needs.

Faster Speed

Speed is one of the top features of our hydraulic pumps for pipe bursting systems. Our Hi-Flow 14 pump allows the corresponding X30 pulling unit to burst old pipes and tow new pipes at a speed that's four times faster than running the X30 from a backhoe or other equipment. When you're able to complete the project faster, your clients will be more satisfied. Your crew will be able to move on to the next project in less time without sacrificing the quality of the work. By completing more projects, the profitability of your business will increase.

Ease of Operation

The last thing your crew needs in the field is equipment that's difficult to maneuver, start or control. The Hi-Flow 14 and Hi-Flow 36 are easy to operate in tough environmental conditions. New members of your crew won't have to spend weeks in training to use these hydraulic pumps. The six-gallon fuel tank of the Hi-Flow 36 ensures that you'll finish the whole job without having to stop and add more fuel.

Hydraulic pumps are reliable, and they work in tough field conditions. They're easy to transport, and they have the power to operate many of the pieces of equipment you need for trenchless pipe rehabilitation. For more details about the best hydraulic pumps for use with trenchless technologies, contact TRIC Tools any time.

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