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What Distinguishes The PitBull 26 Fusion Machine

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

TRIC Tools is proud to offer a full line of pipe fusion equipment. The PitBull 26 is designed for use in commercial plumbing and excavation operations. By using thermoplastic pipe and the PitBull 26 fusion machine, you're able to create a seamless mono-pipe that's free of leaks. When you choose us to supply you with the PitBull 26 fusion machine, you are sure to enjoy a number of great features unique to this equipment.

Create Safe, Durable Fused Pipes

The PitBull 26 allows you to create reliable fused pipes that are safe for use with potable water. You can also use them for natural gas and geothermal applications. The thermoplastic is corrosion-resistant, durable, and strong. If your business offers gas, water, sewer, and geothermal services, the PitBull 26 is a must-have.

Range of Size Options

With the PitBull 26, you can fuse pipes ranging from two to six inches in diameter. You don't need a separate machine for each size of pipe. Its flexibility and adaptability make it an essential fusion welding machine.

Use on a Wide Variety of Parts

The PitBull 26 is not only for use on thermoplastic pipes. You can also use it on ells, tees, and fittings. We recommend consulting with the manufacturer of those fittings to make sure that you fuse to their standards in order to get an optimal result.

At TRIC Tools, we draw on more than 20 years of engineering and design experience for the trenchless plumbing services industry. Our large collection of fusion machine equipment, including the PitBull 26, allows you to provide optimal services for your clients. 

Contact TRIC Tools right away to learn more about the PitBull 26 and what sets it apart or for any other inquiries regarding our range of products.

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