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When Is Sewer Line Upsizing Necessary?

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

Depending on where you live, your local municipal sewer system might have been designed and built more than a century ago. Even ones built more recently often are outdated and in need of improvements to handle increased usage from growing populations. Combined with decades of deterioration, these factors make sewer lines more susceptible to failures. Likewise, your home’s sewage line often will benefit from a newer and larger line connecting your home to municipal sewage systems. The best hydraulic pumps for use with trenchless technologies from TRIC Tools can help to replace your old sewage line and prevent future backups or burst pipes.

When the Demand Increases

As more homes and businesses hook up to old sewer lines, the system easily gets overwhelmed. Add in the potential for ground movement or settling, general deterioration over the years, and natural forces, like freezing and thawing ground, and old sewer systems quickly get backed up and pipes often burst. Whenever you have sewage lines that were installed long before you moved into your home, you have a potential for burst pipes and a need for hydraulic pumps for pipe bursting equipment followed by an improved and upsized sewer line.

When Pumps Get Overworked

Instead of wasting money on pumps for pipe bursting systems and other equipment to repair damaged pipes, installing a new line with larger diameter piping will prevent future backups and deliver the best results. Many cities and other municipalities are replacing old sewage systems when new lines that support larger diameter sewage lines to homes and other properties. That is a perfect time to upgrade your sewage line and save money on likely future repairs on burst pipes and backed up sewage. A nominal investment will help to ensure greater efficiency and even greater peace of mind.

A sewer line upsizing can bring many benefits. Let TRIC Tools help you determine whether this is the right choice for your needs. Contact us today!

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