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Why Many Recommend Pipe Bursting

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

If your customers have a pipeline that is drastically damaged or completely collapsed, you'll need trenchless pipe repair equipment. TRIC Tools specializes in trenchless pipe bursting equipment and accessories to provide the best products possible.

Keep reading for the top four reasons many recommend pipe bursting over alternatives for pipeline work.


Pipe bursting is effective for all pipes. Regardless of what the pipe contains – water, sewage, etc. – the material it's made out of or the size of the pipe, this technique works. You can even install a pipe that is larger in diameter than the one being replaced, a solution that's not available with other techniques.

Furthermore, pipe bursting can be done much quicker than traditional pipe replacement.

Less Invasive

Heavy equipment and massive trench digging are hallmarks of traditional pipe replacement. Pipe bursting eliminates this along with the extensive damage done to the area surrounding the repair.

Modern trenchless pipe bursting allows users to repair and replace pipelines without destroying the property and structures around them.

Environmentally Friendly

Highly invasive traditional pipe replacement often stirs up nasty contaminants. Asbestos, mold and other toxic substances are often sent into the air and groundwater through these methods.

By removing the need to dig, trenchless pipe bursting avoids the threat of releasing these unhealthy substances into the beautiful California environment.


You can often find trenchless pipe pullers for sale at reasonable prices through authorized dealers like TRIC Tools. Moreover, this type of pipeline replacement and repair eliminates the need for large crews to operate heavy machinery and dig long trenches.

By keeping the property intact, pipe bursting eradicates the need for expensive repair of the landscaping or structures surrounding the pipe.

The professionals at TRIC Tools understand trenchless piping and have a wide variety of pipe bursting equipment for sale. Contact us today for more information or to arrange for your next purchase.

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