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How to Know When It’s the Best Time to Repair Your Fusion Unit

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

While the fusion unit won’t need to be replaced, there are components that will become worn down and require repairs over time.

The facer’s blades that shave down the pipes experience wear and tear. The life of each blade is affected by factors such as the hours of operation per day, the type of pipe that is being faced, and the environment in which the unit is being used.

When the blades become dull or chipped it is time to replace them. You will notice the facing process takes more time and the pipes may seem to never lose all their roughness. When you replace the blades, make sure the facer plates are free of dirt and other materials. The new blades need to seat properly.

If you have purchased the Connectra 28CQ, the Owners Manual recommends that the facer should be disassembled every three months and inspected. The inspections should include repacking the bearings if needed using Mobil 28 grease or an equivalent. The motor brushes should be checked after every 45 hours of use. Brushes worn to less than 0.25 inches (0.64 cm) should be replaced. Finally, the motor housing should be cleaned with compressed air every week and more frequently depending upon the dustiness of the environment.

If you have purchased the Connectra 14m, the Operators Manual recommends checking the locking mechanism pads in the joining assembly for wear and replacing as needed.The locking mechanism pads are engaged by the friction wheel. This also needs to be inspected for wear and replaced as needed.

All of the fusion unit options that TRIC Tools Inc. supplies have heaters. The non-stick coated heater plates may become worn, or scratched. The purpose of these plates is to provide an easy separation of the pipe edge from the heater without disturbing the melted edge of the pipe. When the heater plates begin to cause stickiness, they need to be replaced.

Do consult your Owner/Operator Manuals for additional information. You are also welcome to contact us click here with any questions. Along with being a supplier of Fusion units, TRIC Tools Inc. wants to support your purchase choice. Post purchase, we are available for technical support. You can schedule a day for one-on-one training on the maintenance of your equipment. We aim to help you be as productive and efficient as possible with your new hardware.

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