1 1/8" Gripper Assemblies

1 1/8″ Gripper Assembly

SKU: TTA-GA-118M Category: Tag:

The 1-1/8” Monolithic Gripper Assembly is used to hold the 1-1/8” compact swaged cable during the extension and retraction strokes of the M100 Ram (TTP-HFHD-100). The grooves of the Grippers engage the cable, and the Chain Yoke assembly keeps the Grippers (TT-GRPR-118M) side by side as they move up or down in the gripper pocket. A Long Shoulder Screw (TT-FSNR-BA1000H) is screwed into the front face of the Grippers as a lower anchor point for the Tension O-ring (TT-SEAL-TOL).