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3/4" Compact Swaged Cable from TRIC Tools

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

At TRIC Tools, we know firsthand the difficulties and serious delays that can occur due to broken, outdated, or worn-plumbing equipment. A job of minutes can devolve into hours, frustrating not only you but also the clients. However, as a pipe bursting equipment manufacturer with more than two decades of experience, we make sure to manufacture and deliver leading-edge and reliable equipment. This allows TRIC Tools to help you ensure a timely and effective job.

3/4" Compact Swaged Cable

TRIC Tools 3/4" Compact Swaged Cable

In addition to our complete line of plumbing and trenchless equipment and tools, we manufacture and carry trenchless technologies accessories. These include industry-leading gauges, cables, and rodders.

Our 3/4" compact swaged cable is compatible with several of our powerful and compact pipe pullers, including the X30 systems. These can also assist a number of our pipe bursting heads, such as the 4 and 6-inch standard and 6-inch TRIC Lock bursting heads.

Contact TRIC Tools for the Best in Industry Accessories

For service lateral projects alone, we’ve replaced and pipe-burst HDPE footage in the millions. The TRIC trenchless replacement system has also been approved by municipalities across the US. And for contractors, technicians, and utilities, our technology and pipe bursting accessories have saved the day when their older systems were coming apart on the job.

When it comes to trenchless pipe bursting equipment and accessories, we are the experts that you can trust. Give our team of experts a call or fill out the online form to review our products or to schedule a consultation. We look forward to working with you.

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