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Residential Sewer and Drain Pipe Line Repairing by Pipe Bursting Method

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer
One responsibility a homeowner must accomplish is the regular maintenance and repairs around the house. The scale goes up according to how pressing the problem is. Decisive action must be done for emergency situations, especially when it comes to sewer line emergencies. As soon as you notice the pipes leaking or backing up, you’ll need to immediately have it inspected and repaired. If not, your home structure will suffer- it can prematurely rot in places, cause basement flooding and allow mold and mildew to form on the walls and the ceiling. It’s a health hazard that must not be ignored.

Homeowners typically prioritize other life issues instead of turning to the sewer line problem immediately. They won’t pay attention until the problem is severe enough to grab their attention. It’s quite understandable, as they do not have the money at hand, or the time to deal with it until a later time. Another thing that comes to mind is that they don’t want their front lawns, yards and garden excavated to make way for sewer line repairs.

All of these are typical issues when it comes to traditional sewer line repairs. But now, homeowners have a much better option when it comes to residential drain pipe and sewer line repair. You can now opt for a trenchless way to repair your drain and sewer lines. One, it saves your existing landscape because there’s no need for excavation. Two, there’s an innovative method called pipe bursting, which is probably the best pipe replacement process in today’s world.

The Pipe Bursting Method

A new pipe makes its way through the old, broken one. This is how the** residential sewer and drain pipe line repairing by pipe bursting method** is done. Trenchless technicians will arrive in your house and inspect the drain line damage. They will insert a high-tech fiber optic camera to see the extent of the damage. Then, they will utilize only a few equipment to get the job done.

A bursting head leads the charge when the technicians insert the new pipe. Its diameter is bigger than the current pipe, which breaks it apart and scatters the pieces to the surrounding soil. This method ensures the fact that the new line will be perfectly aligned and correctly installed.

When is Pipe Bursting Useful?Homeowners can benefit a lot from pipe bursting. They can use it to seamlessly replace old or worn pipes in just a few days. If your house is more than 10 years old, chances are the underground pipes are rusty and need replacement. The new material is much more durable than steel pipes used to lay pipes in the old times. It can last up to 50 years or more.

Pipe bursting is excellent for homeowners who have put the time and effort to create a beautiful landscape for their home. Digging will not be a requirement for fixing their drain or sewer lines. They won’t need to call in heavy machinery and pay contractors to dig up the yard. They can turn to trenchless technology to get the sewer line repair done.

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