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Twenty the Hard Way

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

When we claim pioneer status for TRIC Tools Inc., we mean it. We started the industry of sewer lateral pipebursting in America (and the world, unless otherwise contended…).

The trenchless industry was certainly well underway, as was pipebursting (with pneumatics and rod push-pullers, as opposed to static cable-pulling devices). Also established were other no-dig rehab methods, such as CIPP lining and HDD. Still, nobody was bursting laterals due to the challenges posed by their small diameter, physical bends, and private property issues…to name just a few.

Then, in 1996, our president and founder Ward Carter first built and tested the prototype for what would become the TRIC lateral pipebursting system, and a viable new industry segment was born.

As our director of marketing and technical support, John Rafferty, has said in one of our published industry articles, “When TRIC came along, the trenchless environment consisted of projects that were large and public, whereas we entered an entirely new arena of jobs that were small and private. At the same time, we created a demand for the TRIC method, along with code acceptance for the materials used by the TRIC trenchless system; namely, HDPE pipe.”

We encourage you to check out our company history, which shows that such innovation just runs in the family: Ward’s grandfather, Mitchell Carter, was involved in the invention of such now-well-known products as foam rubber, the Garbage Grinder, and the beloved and ubiquitous Coleman Stove.

We’re willing to bet that in one way or another, one of the Carter family’s ideas has positively impacted your life. And that’s the direction we continue to head as we look forward to celebrating our company’s 20th anniversary next year.

We thank you for helping us reach this proud landmark, and always welcome your input on our products, because that’s the best way we know your needs for future redesigns and upgrades. Our eyes and ears are always open for better ideas, because innovation never sleeps.

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