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What is Trenchless Pipe Repair?

Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area
Call (888) 883-8742 Pipe Bursting Equipment Manufacturer

Trenchless pipe repair can save you and your customers time and money. Pipe repairs performed without traditional excavation methods have revolutionized the industry, allowing for quick repairs with minimal disruption to the daily routine of your customer. TRIC Tools is here to help you understand the benefits of new trenchless pipe repair methods.

Trenchless Pipe Repair Explained

Repairing and replacing sewer and drain pipe usually required digging trenches, which would impact landscaping, sidewalks, and roadways. Our advanced equipment can help you identify and repair damaged pipes easily.

Pipe bursting is a form of pipe replacement that allows for the replacement of pipe without a trench running the entire length of the affected area. Trenchless pipe bursting only requires one access point with little or no excavation required. A hydraulic machine will drive a bursting head through the damaged pipe, displacing the material into the surrounding soil. Directly behind the bursting head is a new, durable pipe that will replace the damaged length of pipe.

Benefits of Trenchless Pipe Repair Over Excavation

Most importantly, trenchless methods save significant time and money. Without a trench, the project will preserve your landscaping, structures, sidewalks, and nearby roads. The minimally-invasive trenchless technology requires less heavy equipment and a smaller crew, allowing you to save money on labor and distribute your staff in an efficient manner. Clean-up is also reduced or even completely eliminated. Without the need for digging and then filling in a trench, the entire project is streamlined and can be completed within a reasonable amount of time.

Trenchless methods are also safer than excavation. Digging trenches involves heavy equipment that poses a risk to the crew. Open trenches can also be dangerous for animals, children, and other people nearby. Trenchless methods reduce the overall impact of repairs on the appearance, operations, and logistics of your customer.

Contact TRIC Tools for Your Equipment

Trenchless pipe repair has grown immensely in recent years, and many contractors or other professionals are looking to acquire the proper equipment. TRIC Tools located in Alameda, California will help you get started with high quality, affordable trenchless equipment that will be cost efficient and effective for you and your customers. Give us a call today to learn more about innovative trenchless technology.

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